Noise induced hearing loss is commonly associated with noise exposure in industry, however, there's a variety of environments where this can occur and a variety of solutions available that we can walk you through.
Custom Hearing Protection
Hearing loss as a consequence of noise exposure is irreparable; this means that once your hearing is damaged, it cannot be reversed. At Altrincham Hearing Centre, we provide a range of custom hearing protection from noise protection to swim plugs. Find out more below:
Industrial Custom Protection
ACS custom fit PRO Series ear plugs have been designed from scratch to our very own specification, Whether you need them for a work or leisure environment, The soft silicone ear plugs are custom made to fit your ears perfectly, combining a comfortable fit with a perfect seal to prevent sound leakage.
The PRO sound attenuating filters reduce sound to safe levels rather than just blocking it out, and we have seven different filters available to provide you with the most appropriate level of noise reduction.

Musicians Custom Protection
For a musician, hearing isn’t just a means of communication— it’s a way of life. Constant exposure to high sound levels can affect a musician’s ability to make crucial sonic adjustments during a performance.
Musicians Filtered Custom Earmoulds use flat-response attenuators, so that sound heard through the filters has the same quality as the original sound, just quieter. Musicians Filtered Custom Earmoulds attenuate sound across all frequencies rather than just low- and mid-range frequencies, making music more clear and natural sounding. Unlike traditional earplugs which introduce a frequency bias, our Musician Filtered Custom Earmoulds are designed using soft silicone to protect your hearing, while delivering clear sound across all frequencies — available with 10, 15, 25 or 30 interchangeable filters.

In-ear stage monitors & High Quality Headphones
Tune into crystal clear sound with Tunz™ custom-fit products. From MP3s to gaming devices, computers and more, experience the ultimate in pure listening enjoyment with these custom products, made precisely for your ears.
TUNZ Custom Audio Monitors
Ideal for iPod & MP3 Players – Tunz in-ear, custom-fit audiohard acrylic monitors provide the ultimate in comfort and crystal-clear clarity because they fit perfectly and reduce ambient noisex
TUNZ Custom Stage Monitors
Your best sounding performance every time. Music has never been more personal. Tunz custom-fit audio monitors give you control of your stage mix and reduces ambient noise.
Discover natural, balanced sound and pure, rich tones with Tunz Custom Stage Monitors. These custom-fit hard acrylic monitors eliminate the need for traditional stage wedge monitors.

Hearing is an important advantage for competitive shooters and hunters. SoundGear amplifies and protects this most vital sense with proven and superior hearing technology. This advanced digital technology delivers environmental awareness while simultaneously protecting the user’s hearing from gun blasts.

Swimmers of all ages and abilities can experience sensitivity to water in the ear. Custom-made swimmer’s earplugs are waterproof when surface swimming and offer protection for those prone to ear infections or other ear problems. Swim plugs are a safe, effective way to protect your ears and prevent discomfort while continuing the activities you enjoy. Made from soft silicone material for maximum comfort, swim plugs are made in a floatable material so you won’t lose them in the water. Swim plugs come in a wide variety of colours, including solid, marble effect and neon.
Swim plugs are also available with or without handles and a neck cord to keep them together as a pair.

Protect your hearing
Once your hearing has been permanently damaged, it is irreversible. If you are exposed to high levels of noise in your occupation or leisure activities, custom moulded protection is essential.
Enhance your hearing aid
Hearing aids are smarter than ever and come with a whole host of advanced features and connectivity that make your life a lot easier.
Our catalogue
Check out the latest products from our manufacturers.